Monday, August 8, 2011

The Good, The Bad, and The Yummy

I was out at Trillium over the weekend for my run and it was glorious. I had the trails all to myself in the morning. Here is a brief report of my observations (and the very grainy pictures taken from my cell phone)...

The Good...

Our wetlands are looking very nice indeed. No more standing water, but our wetland plants are still as lush as ever!

The Bad.....<insert scary sound effect>

Tansy has crept its way into the property. You might think it is pretty with its yellow flowers and dainty leaves, but don't let it fool you! It is a Class B invasive plant in Washington State and is toxic if ingested by livestock. So next time you are on the trail and you see these plants, pull to your hearts content. They are easy to remove by hand and you will have my eternal gratitude!

"Pull us...we're bad for nature!"

The Yummy...

The berries are out at Trillium! I spotted salmonberry, thimbleberry, black cap, and creeping blackberry on my run. All native and all delicious! But remember we are sharing with the wildlife, so only take a couple. Sharing is caring!