Wednesday, August 10, 2011

"Hoo" is at Trillium?

Early morning visit to Trillium to check on trail conditions leads to a traveling companion...

Barred owl perched on a branch along the main trail.

One of our resident barred owls decided to follow my explorations. On two seperate occasions this morning I spotted movement in the trees, so I pull out the camera and snap some shots. Since I'm used to shooting trees and trails these days a moving target was quite the challenge, but I did manage to get a couple of worthwhile pics. Beautiful bird, you'll most likely see one flying away from the noise, but if you're lucky you'll get to see one perched and observing you. I wonder what he's thinking?

Another (or was I followed by the same?) barred owl in an alder stand.
 Trillium is home to an abundance of wildlife. These owls are just one example of one of the many species that now have a safe place thanks to the efforts by the community to protect this property. Way to go!!